A golf cart gets you around the course quickly and conveniently. As useful as they are, not adhering to some rules while driving the golf cart can cause serious damage to the course turf. To learn more about golf cart etiquette, contact Carts Gone Wild in Haubstadt, Indiana, serving Evansville and Indianapolis.

1. Drive on the Designated Cart Path

The golf cart does significant damage to the grass when people keep driving on it. To preserve the golf course and make it serviceable for everyone, stay on the cart path at all times, unless it's posted that you can drive on the grass. If possible, you can park your cart close to where your ball is and walk the rest of the way — the less golf cart traffic, the better.

2. Take the Road Less Utilized

One cart driving through the turf has little to no impact, but you will often observe that the turf is extensively damaged on the cart paths or at their ends. This happens because the overall weight of the cart puts too much stress on the soil, making it too compact, thus creating unideal conditions for the grass to grow. So, if you can find a path less traveled on the grass, use it instead.

3. Avoid Driving on Wet Turf

The golf cart and wet grass don't go together. They can easily sink through the turf, skid, or slide as you drive. Wet soil is more fragile, and the damages caused will have a long-lasting impact because you are interfering with the roots. So, whether it is a simple patch of moisture or a deep puddle, don't drive your cart through the turf.

4. Avoid the Turf in Hot, Dry Weather

The grass is equally vulnerable in hot, dry weather as it is when wet. The golf cart wheels cause too much stress on the grass, especially when the soil is dry. You will be chipping away the grass as you go.

5. Adhere to the 90-Degree Rule

This rule states that you can drive through the golf course from the designated paths at a 90-degree angle. To make this rule practical, stay on the designated path until you get to a point where you are level with the ball, and then take a 90-degree turn and drive straight to the golf ball. The 90-degree rule is recommended because it minimizes the time and distance the golf cart rolls over the turf.

When you get to a golf course, you will find instructions guiding you on how to use the cart. Please make sure to read them to learn more about other rules specific to that course. You can also visit Carts Gone Wild to check out our golf carts for sale in Haubstadt, Indiana, serving Evansville and Indianapolis.